
  • Fallout 4 Reset Quest Command
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 22. 23:31
    Fallout 4 Reset Quest Command

    In order to locate the quest stage that governs this dialogue, I need the name of the quest, not the location. I doubt the name of the quest was Vault 81. If you can, look it up in your pip boy.

    Even if you finished it, it will be listed in the shaded ones below the active ones. In the meantime, I'll try to guess, but there are hundreds and hundreds of quests with thousands of stages and tens of thousands of lines of dialogue and the tool I'll use (FO4Edit) doesn't really allow for searching broadly.Okay, never mind. It was called Vault 81. Sorry.Posts: 3306 Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:14 am. It's difficult to determine which stage the dialogue in question is part of as it's not really germane to the quest.

    It is a known glitch that if you leave Vault 81 in the middle of the quest you'll be permanently locked out of both areas and unable to finish the quest. All I want to know is if it's possible to reset the quest so that I can speak to the NPC again so that he can let me in the area via his secret entrance.


    The best action would be to simply load an earlier save before you had this dialogue. If that's not possible.Leave the vault. Save your game in a new slot.Enter the console and type:resetquest B8464Then enter the vault.If you can tell me what quest objective was current just before the dialogue in question took place, I could give a quest stage setting to try as well.Posts: 3447 Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:34 am.

    Fallout 4 Reset Quest Command Guide

    After a bit more checking the Kitty quest seems irrelevant. That threw me off for a while. I was looking for the current objective of the Vault 81 quest, not the next quest.

    Fallout 4 Complete Quest Code

    The objectives are those little bits of text that get checked off as you complete the associated stages. If you highlight the quest in the pipboy, the current objective is displayed on the right. Sometimes there is even a longer description that pops up after the little quest animation plays (like with minutemen quests where the vault boy walks and salutes).Posts: 3444 Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:22 pmDisplay posts from previous: Sort.

    Fallout 4 Reset Quest Command
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